Friday, October 19, 2007

Field Trip November 8, 2007

We will be going on a walking field trip to the local public library.

Date: November 8, 2007
Time: Leave school 8:00 a.m. Return by 10:00 a.m.

Parents are welcome to join us. Please make sure your child wears comfortable shoes and dresses appropriately for the weather.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

What Goes on iMovie

This is the movie we made to go with our performance.

The students sing the song while the movie plays in the background. The song is Elizabeth Mitchell's remake of "What Goes On". It's on this CD:

Monday, October 15, 2007

Come See Our Performance

We will be performing at the second grade flag assembly this week. Come and watch us sing!

When: Friday, October 19, 2007
Where: Multi-purpose room
Time: 9:50 a.m.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What a Queen Likes to Wear

My post is about what a Queen likes to wear on a chess board. A Queen likes to wear diamonds. This helps me remember that a Queen always starts on square d1.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Pawn Game

Here's how to play the Pawn Game:
  1. First, set up the pawns. Black on rank 7. White on rank 2.
  2. Next, white goes first. They can move a pawn 1 or 2 squares forward.
  3. Then, black goes. Take turns!
  4. To win, white needs to get one pawn to rank 8, or black needs to get one pawn to rank 1. Then the pawn gets promoted to Queen, Bishop, Rook, or Knight.
  5. You can win by capturing all the other player's pawns. (Remember, pawns capture diagonally!)